Welcome to our site!
'And did those feet in ancient time
walk upon England's mountain green...'
Looking at these photographs of members and their families on some of our regular walks and outings, the open lines to the Women's Institute unofficial anthem readily spring in mind. The Women's Institute is the largest voluntary organisation for women in the UK with 220,000 members in England, Wales and the Islands in more than 6,300 WIs (The WI Federation website).
Our meetings
With around 30 members, our meetings are informal and friendly and great way to meet local women of all interests and ages. Our programme for speakers for the evening is always varied. The talks maybe amusing, educational or something a bit different but above all entertaining.
We also get a lot of enjoyment out of organising our own entertainment, particularly at special events and at our Christmas parties!.
How to become a member
We welcome all interested women who would like to enrich their lives and community by joining our friendly and active group.
If you would like to come along to any of our WI meetings to find out more, or to see if the WI is for you, please contact us and we will be happy to arrange a visit. You can contact us via post or email.
News and Updates
For the latest news and updates of our activities, photos, events and much more, feel free to join us in our Facebook page and share it!

About Us
The Calder Vale's Women Institute was founded in 1932 by a group of very enthusiastic members of the community. Since then, it has steadily grown and sustained its membership, providing our picturesque and attractive village with the heart and soul it needed to keep sharing knowledge and skills, supporting good causes and promoting the benefits of living in our unique and lively community.
Calder Vale Women's Institute
Committee 2019
The Calder Vale committee comprises of a President, two Vice-Presidents, a Secretary, a Treasurer, assistant Treasurer, Programme officer, a Press Officer, two Posters & Digital Media officers, two Magazine, Register & Raffle officers, a Competitions officer, and a Goodwill officer.
The majority of our income comes from annual membership subscriptions, supported by funds raised by organised fundraising activities and donations.
Lancashire Federation of Women's Institute (LFWI)
Chairman: Mrs Shirley Thornton
Secretary: Mrs Liz Nicholls
Tel: 01772 459020
E-mail: admin@lfwi.org.uk
Office Open: Monday-Thursday,